A Song or Two
Isle of Mull Gaelic Choir
Released: 28th February 2007
Catalogue Number: IMGC0406
Barcode: x
Running Time: 52 mins.
You can listen to short samples from some of the tracks on this album using the player below.
The 'Mixed Choir' (MC) open the proceedings, followed in no particular order by the 'Ladies Choir' (LC), Duncan MacGilp, Rhona Whyte, Fiona Jappy, a quartet and Iain MacLean.
It's all very melodic and harmonic and just a wee bit mystic.
All in Gaelic and from an award winning choir.
1) MC - An t-Eilean Muileach
2) MC - Bidh fonn oirre daonnan
3) MC - 'Illean bithibh sunndach
4) LC - Morag bheag nighean Mhurchaidh an t-saoir
5) Duncan MacGilp - An gaol a thug mi og
6) Rhona Whyte & Fiona Jappy - Gur mills Morag
7) Quartet - 'Nam aonar le mo smaoitean
8) MC - Soraidh
9) MC - An Fhaighir Mhuileach - Banais nighean Mhairi Anna
10) MC - Mo run geal dileas
11) Rhona Whyte - Ailein Duinn
12) MC - Cead deireannach nam beann
13) LC - Fagail Liosmor
14) Duncan MacGilp - Gradh geal mo chridh
15) Rhona Whyte & Iain MacLean - Ceol nan cruinneag
16) LC - Ghraidh an tig thu?
17) MC - Tillidh mi dhachaidh
18) MC- Athchuinge
The 'Mixed Choir' (MC) open the proceedings, followed in no particular order by the 'Ladies Choir' (LC), Duncan MacGilp, Rhona Whyte, Fiona Jappy, a quartet and Iain MacLean.
It's all very melodic and harmonic and just a wee bit mystic.
All in Gaelic and from an award winning choir.
See track lists for only information.