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The World Pipe Band Championships 2012 Part 2

Various Artists - Pipe Bands


Released: 10th October 2012
Catalogue Number: CDMON891
Barcode: 611454089123
Running Time: 80 mins.

CD£10.50Out of Stock
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1Los Angeles Scots USA P/M Colin ArmstrongMSR : The Clan Macrae Society /Dora MacLeod / John McKechnie's Big Reel 4:43. £0.79
2Los Angeles ScotsMedley: Campbell's Tartan Army The Boys of the Lough/ Seonaidh's Air /Seonaidh's Tune / The York Reel /Glasgow Police Pipers. 6:14. £0.79
3Strathclyde Police P/M Duncan Nicholson MSR:The Links of Forth/Atholl Cummers/McAllister's Dirk 5:15. £0.79
4Strathclyde PoliceMedley: Dolina MacKay/ The Goatherd and the Shepherd/ The Gathering/I Ho Ro 'S Na Hug Oro Eile/ Rodney Hull QC / Tulloch Gorm/ The Lads of Mull / Ridhle Mo Nighean Donn 6:12. £0.79
5Toronto Police Canada P/M Ian K MacDonald MSR : Lord Alexander Kennedy/Blair Drummond/John Morrison of Assynt House 5:18. £0.79
6Toronto Police Medley: Cutting Bracken/ Sailing on Top of the Waves/ Rakish Paddy /Other Side of the World/ Sheol am Bata Fairis a-null / Highland Laddie / Tripping through Milan/ Cutting Bracken / Rakish Paddy/Cutting Bracken. 6:13. £0.79
7St Laurence O'Toole - Eire P/M Terry TullyMSR:The Highland Wedding/The Sepherd's Crook/ The Smith of Chilliechassie. 5:04. £0.79
8St Laurence O'TooleMedley : Malcolm Ferguson / The Boys of the Ballymote/ Donald MacLennan's Tuning Phrase/ Leaving Ireland / Calum Campbell of Benbecula / Haydee Grant/ Sergeant Murphy's / The Washerwife6:22. £0.79
9Scottish Power P/M Chris ArmstrongMSR: Lord Alexander Kennedy/ Blair Drummond/ John Morrison of Assynt House. 5:18. £0.79
10Scottish PowerMedley: The Battle of Waterloo/ The Hill of Garvock / Fiona MacDonald/ Lord Clyde's Reel /The Primrose Lass / Inverinate House / Ananda Nan Gael/ The Foot Tapper. 6:25. £0.79
11Simon Fraser University Canada P/M Terry Lee MSR: The Highland Wedding/ Blair Drummond/ The Smith of Chilliechassie. 5:38. £0.79
12Simon Fraser UniversityMedley: The Haughs of Cromdale / 400% / Mrs Donald MacPherson/ Alick Cameron Champion Piper / Lexy McAskill/ The Sleeping Tune/ Caber Feidh / 400%. 6:27. £0.79
13Cullybackey P/M Robert Cupples MSR : The Clan MacRae Society/ Susan MacLed/John McKechnie4:49. £0.79
14CullybackeyMedley : Fair Dinkum/ Dunrovin Farm / Standfast / Tune for Tamara / Balmoral Castle/ Kirstie MacCallman's Favourite / In and Out of the Harbour/ Gilligan's Singing Pipes. 5:46. £0.79

High Quality AudioThe tracks on this album are available as both standard 192k mp3 files, high quality 320k mp3 files and CD quality FLAC files. The price is the same for all formats. You can choose your format after you pay and are ready to download.



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