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The World Pipe Band Championships 2014 Part One

Various Artists


Released: 13th October 2014
Catalogue Number: CDMON897
Barcode: 611454089727

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1The 78th Fraser Highlanders Pipe BandMSR: Argyllshire Gathering /Caledonian Society of London / MacAllister’s Dirk4:01. £0.79
2The 78th Fraser Highlanders Pipe BandMedley: The Founders Club/ The Curlew / The Millstead / The Concession / The Fiddler / Fiona MacDonald / DavyWebster’s 40th / Founders Reprise6:33. £0.79
3Scottish Power Pipe BandMSR: The Conundrum / Blair Drummond / PrettyMarion4:52. £0.79
4Scottish Power Pipe BandMedley: Neil (Tetris) Johnston / The Shaggy Grey Buck / A Flame of Wrath for Patrick Coagach (Slow Air) / Struan Robertson / An t-Seann Cailleach / Kennedy’s Favourite / A Flame of Wrath for Patrick Coagach (Reprise)6:10. £0.79
5Greater Glasgow Police Scotland Pipe BandMSR: The Argyllshire Gathering / The Ewe with the Crooked Horn / PrettyMarion4:26. £0.79
6Greater Glasgow Police Scotland Pipe BandMedley: Joe Mackenzie / Flora MacIssac / I Have it Somewhere / Aodann Strathbhain / The Hillocks of Fernmore / Sabhal Mor Ostaig / We’re a Case The Bunch of Us / Tagdhan Ross / The Foxhunters6:18. £0.79
7Field Marshal Montgomery Pipe BandMSR: Balmoral Highlanders / John Roy Stewart / Charlie’s Welcome5:14. £0.79
8Field Marshal Montgomery Pipe BandMedley: Rowd’s Hornpipe / The High Drive Jig / The Piper’s Bonnet / Sine Bhan (Fair Jean) / Rodney Hull Q.C. / Lachine Rapids / Willie MacKenzie’s Reel / Smelling Fresh / Pipe Major George Allen6:36. £0.79
9Canterbury Caledonian Society Pipe BandMSR: The Clan Macrae Society / Blair Drummond / John Morrison of Assynt House5:26. £0.79
10Canterbury Caledonian Society Pipe BandMedley: P/M Raymond Bradford / Drew Macintosh / Alan MacPherson of Mosspark / Lauren’s Melody / Miss Drummond of Perth / The Fiddler / Gravel Walk / The Conundrum6:26. £0.79
11St.Laurence O'Toole Pipe BandMSR: Lord Alexander Kennedy / Atholl Cummers / Mrs MacPherson of Inveran5:27. £0.79
12St.Laurence O'Toole Pipe BandMedley: Allan Dall MacLeod / Tom Anderson / Shelly’s Jig / Peggy Gordon / Haydee Grant / Callum Campbell of Benbecula / Hogties / The Pile Driver / The Arnish Light6:41. £0.79

High Quality AudioThe tracks on this album are available as both standard 192k mp3 files, high quality 320k mp3 files and CD quality FLAC files. The price is the same for all formats. You can choose your format after you pay and are ready to download.



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