Simon Bradley
From the CD Booklet " Wintering Out "
In these days of megabytes,knobbage and layerage, it's often easy to lose sight of what this music ia all about. However, in WINTERING OUT, Simon Bradley and Luke Plumb strive to capture the soul and excitement of musical interplay. The essence of this beutiful music is its raw energy and in this live recording, Simon and Luke have retained as much of that energy as is humanly possible.
Simon's skill at finding the music in the tune conveys a sense of deep emotional involvement. With control and authority, his fingers effortlessley dance atop the fiddle. His subtle variations across the wide repertoire demonstrated on the album, are a constant source of pleasure.
Luke is a master of accompaniment: sensitive, teasing, driving and enhancing but never interfering either chordally or rhythmically with the tune. His variations, like Simon's hold the listener in anticipation of the next smile.
This music is about invoking emotions and passions, tears and laughter. Prepare yourself to experience all of these.
You can listen to short samples from some of the tracks from this artist using the player below.